Our Services
At Kirby Care Home Care our services are designed for clients who are physically frail or housebound or need Specialist Care following an illness or injury.  We also provide Reablement Care from hospital to home and all our services are undertaken by our team of highly trained and experienced specialist staff. 

Personal Services

  • Helping with personal tasks
  • Helping you to prepare meals
  • Making sure you are aware of the need to take any medicines that may have been prescribed for you;
  • Companionship care    
  • Specialist Care due to illness or injury
  • Reablement Care - from hospital to home

Domestic Services

  • Helping with arranging your shopping needs, and if necessary do the shopping
  • Helping you with light household chores
  • Helping you to look after your pets. 

Social Outings

  • Helping you arrange social events
  • Companionship care
  • Assisting you with your appointments
  • Keeping you active
  • Activities to help keep your mind healthy 

Choosing care at home

Starting to think about your care needs can be daunting. That's why we are here to help you every step of the way.

Why choose homecare?

Homecare is the first choice for people who need additional help and support with their personal care or more specialised care due to illness or injury and we are there to provide the right care to ensure our clients lead more independent lives.  Many people use a homecare service as an alternative to moving into a care home or residential setting.

Enabling people to remain at home helps them maintain personal independence, comfort and contact with their local community. Homecare is flexible, with just the right amount of assistance given at any one time.

You may only require a small amount of support - from half an hour a week, to several hours a day, whatever your need we are here to help you.  

Contact us today to receive a FREE information pack and home visit.

T: 071 9326069 M: 086 0574040 E: info@kirbycare.ie